Every Romantic Character In Fallout 4, Ranked (2025)

Key Takeaways

  • In Fallout 4, there are several romance options available for the player character. Here are some of the most notable companions!
  • We have a passionate and fearless reporter who runs the Diamond City newspaper.
  • You could also pick a noble Minuteman who won't stop giving you quests to help you.

Romance is a major sell for RPGs, and Fallout 4 is no different. Exploring the Wasteland alone is rewarding, but what’s a post-apocalyptic setting if you don’t have anyone to share it with? Thankfully, plenty of characters await to get to know you and perhaps develop something more than platonic companionship.


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Romance in Hades 2 isn't just about flirting; it’s about building relationships over multiple interactions.

Just like real life though, it takes some getting to know them. Some characters lead to full-fledged relationships. Others are simply a one-night thing. For the sake of variety, all of them are listed and discussed. This way, you can immerse yourself in role-playing by finding the right person for whatever type of Sole Survivor you play. Best of all: you can romance everyone in a single playthrough as long as you’re careful to keep your flirting private.

10 Gilda Broscoe

From Hollywood Star To Robobrain

Every Romantic Character In Fallout 4, Ranked (2)
Race Robobrain
Associated Questline Brain Dead
Max Affinity Perk None

Gilda Broscoe is a former Hollywood actress and one of many elite and rich who fell for Vault-Tec’s manipulation. Hailing from Vault 118, she wanted to extend her life and allowed herself to be turned into a Robobrain, unaware of the lasting consequences. You can only meet her with the Far Harbor add-on. And yes: this Robobrain is a temporary romance option in Fallout 4.

Because she's not full-fledged, don’t expect any perks. Instead, it’s just an innocent date you can win as long as you pass five Speech checks. So, whip out that charm if you want to brag about dating a Hollywood star even if it’s just a fling. The little things are worth appreciating in such a bleak world. A good thing about this is that your other romanced companions won't get upset with your little tryst. Have all the fun you want with this brain inside a robot body. Nothing could possibly go wrong here.

9 Magnolia

A Swoon-Worthy Songstress

Every Romantic Character In Fallout 4, Ranked (3)
Race Synth
Associated Questline Emogene Takes a Lover
Max Affinity Perk None

Speaking of trysts, Magnolia is certainly a sought-after one. A performer at the Third Rail bar in Goodneighbor, this synth is up for grabs if you want a one-night stand. If moving from Gilda to her, at least you graduated from a brain inside a robot to an actual humanoid bot. But don’t get your hopes up because her relationship is that of a mayfly. Here today and gone tomorrow.

If you ask her out again, she’ll immediately shut you down. Reaching the point where she accepts the first date requires quite a bit of Charisma since the checks get progressively harder as you flirt. As a meta moment, note the voice actress behind such an alluring character. She’s none other than the OG Wonder Woman herself: Lynda Carter. And that alone can help make her quite compelling to get to know on a deeper level.

8 Porter Gage

An Ambitious And Rough Around The Edges Raider

Every Romantic Character In Fallout 4, Ranked (4)
Race Human
Associated Questline Taken for a Ride
Max Affinity Perk Lessons in Blood (Permanent +10 damage resistance and 5% XP gained per kill)

With the Nuka-World DLC for Fallout 4, you can meet the violent Porter Gage. Such a tendency for killing comes with the raider territory as he's second-in-command of the Nuka-World Raiders. His ultimate goal is to build a brutally strong gang. For a romance option, he's one of the more vicious ones. If you're not careful, you can even kill him before meeting him, effectively ending any potential for romance.


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If you manage to meet and keep him alive, you can enjoy a fleshed-out romance. There's no denying his reliability as a companion. Maxing out his affinity gives incredible damage resistance and XP increase too. Beyond the technical, Porter boasts an engaging backstory. Despite his actions and words, he never wanted to become a raider for the pure fight of it. He thought it'd best to become the thing that took from him most of his life.

7 John Hancock

A Ghoul With A Heart Of Gold Buried Deep Within

Every Romantic Character In Fallout 4, Ranked (6)
Race Human | Ghoul
Associated Questline The Big Dig
Max Affinity Perk Isodoped (Earn 20% faster critical hits when receiving 250 radiation damage)

Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder if John Hancock has anything to say about it. The self-proclaimed “sexy king of the zombies,” he’s the only romanceable Ghoul in Fallout 4, and thankfully, he hasn’t gone feral yet. But if Porter Gage is rough around the edges, Hancock is downright ruthless.

And yet he’s the mayor of Goodneighbor and makes for an excellent companion. It’s like riding a seesaw with this man. On one hand, he appreciates witnessing violence from the Sole Survivor. On the other hand, he does have morals and principles, admiring the good things you can do.

It may be confusing at times, but it contributes to his compelling characterization as a romance option. Besides, it’s kind of poetic as a Sole Survivor to date one of the people most damaged by this newfound world.

6 Robert MacCready

A Devoted Father And Mercenary

Every Romantic Character In Fallout 4, Ranked (7)
Race Human
Associated Questline MacCready for Action (unmarked quest)
Max Affinity Perk Killshot (20% increase in headshot accuracy in V.A.T.S.)

If you've played Fallout 3, you may find familiarity with Robert MacCready. In Fallout 4, he can truly empathize with the Sole Survivor's plight. Not only has he lost his wife, but his son is deathly ill and he must remain on the run from former employers who would see him dead. MacCready does whatever he must to ensure his son's survival and safety, which often leads to unsavory actions.

He's full of backstory if you pay him about 250 caps to join you. Far from being a prime role model, you can order him to steal once you reach a certain affinity with him. Romancing him comes with unique rewards if you take the roleplaying approach with the Sole Survivor. High affinity and completion of his companion quest ensures you get your earlier investment of caps back and have a rather reliable partner at your side.

5 Cait

The Hardened Cage Fighter

Every Romantic Character In Fallout 4, Ranked (8)
Race Human
How To Meet Clear out the Combat Zone in the Theater District
Max Affinity Perk Trigger Rush (When health drops below 25%, Action Points regenerate faster)

On the topic of tragic backstories, Cait is a walking example of it. As a child, her abusive parents sold her into slavery. When you meet her, she's a cage fighter providing entertainment for raiders to fund her addiction habits. Not a pretty picture to paint, but in the world of Fallout 4, there's not much 'pretty' left around.


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She's not the simplest companion to romance though. Raising her affinity takes work because it's not like you can load her up with gifts to make her happy. Being a borderline sociopath can do the trick if that's the way you want to roll with the Sole Survivor.

Alternatively, you can just run around naked. It's something she surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) very much appreciates. What's even more amusing about Cait and her interests is that she will openly flirt with other companions like Hancock and Piper even while romanced.

4 Paladin Danse

The Intense Brotherhood Of Steel Commanding Officer

Every Romantic Character In Fallout 4, Ranked (10)
Race Synth
How To Meet Fire Support
Max Affinity Perk Know Your Enemy (20% damage increase to Synths, Feral Ghouls, and Super Mutants)

Danse is a late meetup in Fallout 4, and by the time you reach him, you may very well be on someone else's path. But he's fun to pursue regardless of his black-and-white outlook on things. It's a common view like his fellow Brotherhood of Steel. If you roleplay a Sole Survivor with a similar outlook, the two of you will get along just well.

He does appreciate you for your skills and even wants you to join up with the Brotherhood. There's something ironic about Danse though. He hates Synths, Ghouls, and anything else unnatural. He feels the need to eradicate the world of them. The only problem is that he is a Synth. A memory wipe erased that knowledge for him, but it's, without a doubt, an interesting twist to his character.

3 Preston Garvey

An Honorable Good-Natured Minuteman

Every Romantic Character In Fallout 4, Ranked (11)
Race Human
How To Meet When Freedom Calls
Max Affinity Perk United We Stand (Get +20 damage and 20% damage resistance when facing 3+ enemies)

Preston Garvey is the first romance option you'll meet in Fallout 4. This gives you plenty of time to raise his affinity if you want to go his route. And there's little to dislike about the man. A member of the Minutemen, Preston is all about helping people out. For him to fall for the Sole Survivor, it's what you need to be all about too.

Unfortunately, his desire to help makes this character feel a bit of a nuisance at times. It's mainly because he's not just a love interest and companion, he's a quest-giver. So, many conversations seem like he's endlessly asking you to run off and help some settlement. It can get tedious at times, but pushing that aside, there's nothing truly wrong with Preston. He's a peaceful and sweet option in a wasteland that's anything but.

2 Piper Wright

A Passionate And Fearless Reporter

Every Romantic Character In Fallout 4, Ranked (12)
Race Human
How To Meet First time at the entrance to Diamond City
Max Affinity Perk Trigger Rush (Earn double XP when finding new locations and succeeding Speech checks)

Piper Wright is one of the most natural romances for the Sole Survivor. As long as you're a genuine person, even if you lockpick your way through things sometimes, she'll quickly give you her favor.

She's yet another companion with a rich history such as losing her parents and working hard to care for her sister. She's so compelled to seek the truth that she started and ran a newspaper alone. The real downside to her personality is that she's borderline obsessive and disregards the risk she puts herself and others in.

But her charm is simple to fall for, making her an interesting side story in the vast world of Fallout 4. She may not have a personal quest, but she does play a role in the Main Quest, something that not every companion can say. Piper is also one of the earliest you can start something with like with Preston.

1 Curie

The Most Polite Robot In The Commonwealth

Every Romantic Character In Fallout 4, Ranked (13)
Race Miss Nanny | Synth (optional)
How To Meet Vault 81
Max Affinity Perk Combat Medic (Once per day, heal 100 HP when health drops below 10%)

Fallout 4 circles right back to the synthetic-based romance options, but this time, it starts with a more familiar design. At this point, you know what these types of bots look like. A Miss Nanny at the start, Curie was a guardian for Vault 81. She's unashamedly polite, and since she's been essentially stuck in that vault the whole time, she has a naive outlook on the world. But her romance arc gives her some of the most compelling storytelling throughout all the companions.

You can raise your affinity on the more platonic side with Curie as she's Miss Nanny. Eventually, you get the offer to help her transfer her consciousness into a Synth body instead, and this is the only way you can steer the relationship toward romance. It's a confusing transition for the charming bot as she experiences true emotions like grief and something more heart-racing if romanced. She's one of the most innocent romances in Fallout 4.


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Every Romantic Character In Fallout 4, Ranked (2025)


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